As what we can't predicted, our journey as ordinary person is been written in a book..
Book where we can't buy, Book where we can't search & Book where we can't seen..
All the fact being conclude is all about science, by not a magic ones but only the feelings appear into it..
The bright side of the book is our future,
Meanwhile for the dark side, it might be disaster..
Begin with the new book, as a new born baby..
Start with the Introduction to proceed a new story of life..
Full with numbers where calculating the days, months, or even years..
Stories can be created in many ways upon its Chapters..
The scretcy might be hidden..
The shareness might be shown..
All will be seek in a journal life..
The flow on how organize the book is will decide the mask of a human being..
Depend upon on how tidyness the book is..
Depend upon on how dirtyness the book is..
Everything will shown in any prespective view..
Index as always for search in something..
Always needed when it required..
Can be replace as a best friend..
We'll need when we needed in any how in any time in any matter..
The thickness or the thinness of the book will be a vital..
Reader love thinner book as so fast it can be finished..
Means along the journey, life is too short to be precised..
Thickness will be just for professional ones..
Long journey won't matter as long as they may achieved what they really want..
Beyond from what the book told, all is matter..
Furnish the joy of darkness..
Glowry the hearted in sufficient way..
Vanish the insignificant material that hook inside..
Concise in any sentences texted..
Determine the variables of important character..
Seek in any new diction..
For the best amongst the best..
Focus will makes the soul free..
Imagine will makes the spiritual lies..
Life and Death can be manipulate it as a book..
Upon on thick or thin is..
Upon on establised or destroyed is..
Upon on wonderful or awful is..
Upon on relevant or nonsense is..
Upon on delight or down is..
All will be matters..
Raise your life into a new splendid beautiful charming books in order to throw it away :)
Be wise in judgement..
Justice is everything..
All materials might be not sufficient..
Enlarge the way of viewing..
Simply be perfect although aren't won't do..
-the end-
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