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"First be understand, then to be understood"
-Fulfill needs with sincerely and honesty hearts-

Monday, 5 January 2009

Something i did..I don't know..:(

Stepping myself in January 2009..Well apparently my life is starting to chillax, smooth, and ongoings with something fresh..Few days ago, i'm not celebrating for New Year..I guess no mood i can say..Basically, i've got this long-term holiday until 26th January 2009..which 2 weeks to go..And as my daily routine, i did 1/3 of my Project PIA include Assignments & Study..and another 2/3 is more into Relaxx..Watch Movies..Enjoy myself with Foods..which i like it Ahaha..

Hmm..well my mind is blank, i do not what to say..Hmmm..I keep sigh-ing...Hmm..Again..Hmmm..Whatever~~~

Let's talk about something..Something we can shared..i've watch this movie where it tells about hilarious a d twisted updated of the classic fairy tale high school senior SAM as given name, live at the beck and call of her self obsessed step mother, Fiona, and her sinfully wicked step sisters to finds her less tahn sparkling social life wonderfully complicated when she meets her prince charming online.But....u continued the story then...

-the end-

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