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"First be understand, then to be understood"
-Fulfill needs with sincerely and honesty hearts-

Monday, 29 December 2008

Trip to Singapore (17th Dec - 22nd Dec) - PART 1

My mobile phones ALARM awakes me up around 6.30am as usual, & i've got to attend my Lecture class starting at 8 to 12..What a tiring day..Anyway, as i did attending the class, i returned home..i mean penthouse home ahaha..Taught my fellow folks about SAM, where it gonna held on Saturday(20th Dec '08)..
Around 4++, i've packed myself & stuffs before i leave for my trip..Once i've done, Safwan sent me & throw me out thru' open door International Royal Brunei Airlines Airport, BSB..:)

My flight will be departured at 6pm. I fooling myself there while waiting but in just a few minutes, i was been called by my dad that we need to go inside, thus, not wasting go thru the check-points, the gates & then inside the airplane. (*My spray has been taken by the lady coz it exceeded more than 100ml..Shoot~)

I sat near the windows and sigh~~ I'm still thinking about my miserable life such as...PIA projects, Assignments and more..Honestly, i can't even breathe when i thought about it(what the heck..) Life must goes on..My flight tooks 1hr 50mins to reach Singapore, & once arrived there, i tooks some pictures for my evidence ahaha *scared people won't believe me* ahaha

I was in Changi International Airport, Singapore.

When we went down, it was like WOW!!...Xmas tree are right, left, front, back, up & down of me..Goshh~~

I arrived & as usual chop this chop that..It's killing me with that..Eventhough, i wasn't in a mood but still i kept some backp-up to cheers me up that now I'M IN SINGAPORE..Yahhhoooo~
My dad insist us to use MRT instead using Teksi..Ooo Whatt..No standard @ all ahaha..But just give it shot huh :p Before using MRT, know something that amaze me a lot expecially in my IT arena..The MRT tickets are using a user-friendly machinery program ahaha..Cool very cool..I was like "SAKAI" with the first impression..OMG~~ ahaha..

The ticket/card needed for our shorty-journey :)

Well, as we using MRT, hmmm..it's quite amazing, fun, enjoying using MRT like Malaysia.. Well as i see around me, Singapore Civilians are kindoff nerdy. Nerd not into books but nerd into Electronics. Well i would understand if most of Singaporean people are deaf ahaha b'coz in every seconds they walked in front of me, their ears covered with ear-piece or headSet, which is cool..again..

-to be continued-

1 comment:

^PüPp3t.Str|nGèr^ said...

ajiiiidd...hehe..syok singapore?? eh.. lama ko na check blog ku aaa..aku bru blik dr kk..