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"First be understand, then to be understood"
-Fulfill needs with sincerely and honesty hearts-

Friday, 14 November 2008

Happy B'day Mom..& Stress ku :s

Elo elo elo.. Long tym nda buka Blog aaa..
Well just wanna share mcm biasa, last Wed.. on 12th Nov, my mum b'day...Happy b'day..Bonda..I pray for you top be more healthier, happy, d murah kan rezeki, Jgn lupa lanja aku makan not here but "di Sana" nanti....Hahahaha... Aku mo mkn spesil tuuu kekeke..
Plus just wanna add...lately I'm a bit stress due to my test..Can't gurrantee but felt that my peformance ondoing my test are hell damn sucks~ i'm totally confuse with the question, i pray that i can score for Pass..yeahhh..i really hope so.. Now, forward we were given our "again" assignment..Arghhh~ so many assignmnet, in fact, test also upcoming soon..Shoot~
watelse...I guess that's all..any interesting particular event, i'll post it IF i'm not busy..kwang3x..
-the end-

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