Welcome to aJiD's bLoG

"First be understand, then to be understood"
-Fulfill needs with sincerely and honesty hearts-

Thursday, 9 October 2008


Well, this morning i went out with my dad and mum..We went to DKM restaurant nearby TAIB bank apparently..So we of course, made some orders with anxious waiting for the foods coming.While waiting, i looked up to the TV3 and it was "Ultraman" show..so i watched it include my dad and family..& even the cashier and also all the customer..All of us were totally silence, no noise accept the waitress of course..we all watched the Ultraman full with concentrated and when the fighting was began..Ahaha emotional from some of the customers were sounded noisly "Bunuh tia..Jgn bgi Chance..!!!" I noe it was sound silly but yet it was interesting to me..Old people also watched Ultraman..Let see..Ahahaha..:D

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